
Out of respect for their privacy, photos of the incarcerated individuals are not permitted. But here are some photos about the ministry.

K21 Outside Team

K21 Outside Team

Keryx Mottos

Keryx Mottos

Team Chapel

Team Chapel

New Banner

New Banner in facility

Banner Making (2017/18)

Banner Making

Banner Making (2017/18)

Keryx 13 Team (October 2015) God's team working for His glory

Keryx 13 Team (October 2015)
God’s team working for His glory

Keryx 13 Outside Team (October 2015) Whether inside or outside, everyone is needed

Keryx 13 Outside Team (October 2015)
Whether inside or outside, everyone is needed

Musicians prepare for Holy Hour

Musicians prepare for Holy Hour

Seamus with some members of the team from his weekend

Seamus with some members of the team from his weekend

Team prays in chapel

Team prays in chapel

Making banners

Making banners

Some team members

Some team members

Some team members

Some team members

Keryx display at a church ministry fair

Keryx display at a church ministry fair

Handmade logo sculpture

Handmade logo sculpture

pray banner

Each candidate receives a handmade banner

Each candidate receives a handmade banner

Each candidate receives a handmade banner


Lighting the way for the return of the inside team for the evening.
